What I'm listening to at the moment....


Celebrating the new La Sernissima Vivaldi x 2 with a load of baroque, classical and early romantic concertos for two horns. This play list includes some old favourites of mine such as the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin’s recording of Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No.1 and Teunis van der Zwart and Erwin Wieringa’s recording of Ferdinand Ries’s Concerto for two horns. It’s always a joy to listen to the Tylšar brothers and the “not Haydn” concerto for two horns - such a shame that this wonderful piece has been some what seldom heard on the concert platform now that many have recognised Antonio Rosetti as the composer.


Inspired by a conversation with one of my students who is keen to include more female composers in their recital programming I spent sometime today wondering what other repertoire is out there for musicians such as myself who focus on music from earlier periods? In addition to female horn players such as Beate Pokorny and Rosalie Tognini female composers have always existed, though often not getting the acknowledgement they’ve deserved. Here’s some of my favourite pieces.


Currently I'm very much looking forward to (belatedly) celebrating my 40th birthday. Nice excuse to be collating party tunes! Most of the music I share here will probably be a little more connected to my working life but I thought this would be a fun way to start this "occasional" series!